Senin, 18 Februari 2013

what is traditional behavior for a child ?

What is traditional behavior for a child?
Normal behavior in kids depends on the child's age, temperament, and physical and emotional development. A child's behavior is also a drag if it does not match the expectations of the family or if it's tumultuous. traditional or "good" behavior is sometimes determined by whether or not it's socially, culturally and developmentally acceptable. Knowing what to expect from your kid at every age can assist you decide whether or not his or her behavior is traditional.

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Children tend to continue a behavior once it's rewarded and stop a behavior once it's unnoticed. Consistency in your reaction to a behavior is very important as a result of appreciated and toilsome constant behavior at completely different times confuses your kid. once you suppose your child's behavior may well be a drag, you've got three choices:

Decide that the behavior isn't a drag as a result of it's acceptable to the child's age and stage of development.
Attempt to stop the behavior, either by ignoring it or by toilsome it.
Introduce a replacement behavior that you simply like and reinforce it by appreciated your kid.
How do I stop misbehavior?
The best thanks to stop unwanted behavior is to ignore it. this manner works best over a amount of your time. once you need the behavior to prevent at once, you'll be able to use the time-out technique.

How do i take advantage of the time-out method?
Decide before time the behaviors that may end in a time-out (usually tantrums, or aggressive or dangerous behavior). opt for a time-out place that's uninteresting for the kid and not scary, like a chair, corner or enclosure. once you are far from home, think about using a automobile or a close-by room as a time-out place.

When the unacceptable behavior happens, tell the kid the behavior is unacceptable and provides a warning that you simply can place him or her in time-out if the behavior does not stop. stay calm and do not look angry. If your kid goes on misbehaving, sedately take him or her to the time-out space.

If doable, keep track of however long your child's been in time-out. Set a timer thus your kid can grasp once time-out is over. Time-out ought to be temporary (generally one minute for every year of age), and may begin at once when reaching the time-out place or when the kid calms down. you must keep obtainable or range of the kid, however do not visit him or her. If the kid leaves the time-out space, gently come back him or her to the realm and contemplate resetting the timer. once the time-out is over, let the kid leave the time-out place. do not discuss the dangerous behavior, however hunt for ways in which to reward and reinforce sensible behavior afterward.

How do I encourage a replacement, desired behavior?
One way to encourage sensible behavior is to use a gift system. kids UN agency learn that dangerous behavior isn't tolerated which sensible behavior is rewarded square measure learning skills that may last them a lifespan. This works best in kids older than two years aged. It will take up to two months to figure. Being patient and keeping a diary of behavior may be useful to oldsters.

Choose one to two behaviors you'd wish to modification (for example, time of day habits, tooth brushing or discovering toys). opt for a gift your kid would relish. samples of sensible rewards square measure an additional time of day story, delaying time of day by 0.5 associate degree hour, a most well-liked snack or, for older kids, earning points toward a special toy, a privilege or alittle quantity of cash.

Explain the required behavior and also the reward to the kid. as an example, "If you get into your pajamas and brush your teeth before this television show is over, you'll be able to stay awaken a 0.5 hour later." Request the behavior just one time. If the kid will what you raise, provide the reward. you'll be able to facilitate the kid if necessary however do not get too concerned. as a result of any attention from folks, even negative attention, is thus appreciated to kids, they'll value more highly to have parental attention rather than a gift initially. Transition statements, such as, "In five minutes, play time are over," square measure useful once you square measure teaching your kid new behaviors.

This system helps you avoid power struggles along with your kid. However, your kid isn't admonished if he or she chooses to not behave as you ask; he or she merely doesn't get the reward.

What square measure some sensible ways in which to reward my child?
Beat the Clock (good technique for a delay child)
Ask the kid to try and do a task. Set a timer. If the task is completed before the timer rings, your kid gets a gift. to make your mind up the number of your time to present the kid, discern your child's "best time" to try and do that task and add five minutes.

The Good Behavior Game (good for teaching a replacement behavior)
Write a brief list of excellent behaviors on a chart and mark the chart with a star every time you see the great behavior. when your kid has earned  alittle range of stars (depending on the child's age), provide him or her a gift.

Good Marks/Bad Marks (best technique for tough, extremely active children)
In a short time (about associate degree hour) place a mark on a chart or on your child's hand every time you see him or her activity a decent behavior. as an example, if you see your kid enjoying quietly, resolution a drag while not fighting, discovering toys or reading a book, you'd mark the chart. when a definite range of marks, provide your kid a gift. you'll be able to conjointly create negative marks every time a foul behavior happens. If you are doing this, solely provide your kid a gift if there square measure additional positive marks than negative marks.

Developing Quiet Time (often helpful once you are making supper)
Ask your kid to play quietly alone or with a relation for a brief time (maybe thirty minutes). Check on your kid often (every two to five minutes, betting on the child's age) and provides a gift or a token for every couple of minutes they were quiet or enjoying well. step by step increase the intervals (go from checking your child's behavior each two to five minutes to checking each thirty minutes), however still provide rewards for every period your kid was quiet or vie well.
What else am i able to do to assist my kid behave well?
Make a brief list of necessary rules and reconsider them along with your kid. Avoid power struggles, unsuccessful things and extremes. once you suppose you've got overreacted, it's higher to use sense to unravel the matter, notwithstanding you've got to be inconsistent along with your reward or penalisation technique. Avoid doing this usually because it could confuse your kid.

Accept your child's basic temperament, whether or not it's keep, social, talkative or active. Basic temperament may be modified slightly, however not substantially. try and avoid things that may create your kid cranky, like changing into excessively stirred up, tired or bored. do not criticize your kid before of others. Describe your child's behavior as dangerous, however do not label your kid as dangerous. Praise your kid usually once he or she deserves it. bit him or her dear and infrequently. kids need and want attention from their folks.

Develop very little routines and rituals, particularly at bedtimes and meal times. give transition remarks (such as "In five minutes, we'll be ingestion dinner."). enable your kid selections whenever doable. as an example, you'll be able to raise, "Do you would like to wear your red pajamas or your blue pajamas to bed tonight?"

As kids grow old, they'll relish changing into concerned in family rule creating. do not dialogue the foundations at the time of misdeed, however invite your kid to participate in rule creating at once more.

Why should not i take advantage of physical punishment?
Parents could prefer to use physical penalisation (such as spanking) to prevent undesirable behavior. the most important disadvantage to the present technique is that though the penalisation stops the dangerous behavior for a minute, it does not teach your kid to alter his or her behavior. Disciplining your kid is actually simply teaching him or her to settle on sensible behaviors. If your kid does not grasp a decent behavior, he or she is probably going to come back to the dangerous behavior. Physical penalisation becomes less effective with time and might cause the kid to behave sharply. It may also be carried too way -- into maltreatment. alternative strategies of penalisation square measure most well-liked and may be used whenever doable.

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5 ways to bully - proof your kid

Did you recognize that twenty fifth of public faculties report that bullying among youngsters happens on a daily or weekly basis? which one in five highschool students report being cowed within the past year?

The good news is that as a result of bullying has created national headlines, faculties and communities (and even celebrities) square measure taking a powerful anti-bullying stance.

You can do your half reception, too. Here square measure 5 sensible ways to stay youngsters from changing into targets — and stop bullying that has already started:

Talk about it. bring up bullying together with your youngsters and produce other relations share their experiences. If one in every of your youngsters release regarding being cowed, praise him or her for being brave enough to debate it and supply unconditional support. consult the college establish|to be told} its policies and find out however workers and lecturers will address true.
Remove the bait. If it's lunch cash or gadgets that the college bully is once, you'll facilitate neutralize true by encouraging your kid to pack a lunch or attend college gadget-free.
Buddy up for safety. 2 or a lot of friends standing at their lockers square measure less doubtless to be picked on than a baby United Nations agency is on their own. prompt your kid to use the pairing once on the college bus, within the toilet, or where bullies might lurk.
Keep calm and keep it up. If a bully strikes, a kid's best defense is also to stay calm, ignore hurtful remarks, tell the bully to prevent, and easily go away. Bullies thrive on symptom others. a baby United Nations agency is not simply ruffled contains a higher likelihood of staying off a bully's radio detection and ranging.
Don't try and fight the battle yourself. generally reprimand a bully's folks is constructive, however it's typically best to try to to thus during a setting wherever a faculty official, like a counselor, will mediate.

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